THEORY OF MACHINES (TOM) - machine, structure, kinetics & kinematics

• Theory of machine :-
      The machine receives energy in some available form and uses it to do some particular type of work.

• Machine :-
      It is defined as a device which receives energy. If the mechanism is used to transmit power and transforms it into some useful work or to do work then, it is known as machine.

      We can define machine as a device for transferring and transforming motion and force or power from the input that is the source to the output that is the load.

• Structure :-
        It is defined as the combination of rigid or resistance bodies assembled they having no relative motion in between them and transmit only forces.

Statics :- 

        It deals with the study the forces acting on machine in rest.

Dynamics: :-
        It deals with the study the forces acting on various parts of a machine

•Kinematics :- 
        Is is study of motion,  quite apart from the force which produce that motion.
It is study of Position, displacement, rotation, speed, velocity and acceleration.

• Kinetics :-
         It is the study of inertia force which arrise due to the combined effect.

• Kinematic link :- 
          It is resistant body or assembly of resistance body of machine other parts
 Of the machine with relative motion between them. There are three types of links available in order to transmit motion. They are as follows:

       Rigid link
       Flexible link
       Fluide link

Types of kinematic link-

1) Rigid link :-
           A rigid link is one which does not undergoes any deformation while transmitting motion. Practically rigid link doesn't exists.
Ex: cran shaft, piston etc.

2) Flexible link :-
           A flexible link is one which undergoes partial deformation while affecting the transfer motion.
Ex: rope, belts, chains, springs etc.

3) Fluid link :- 
           A fluid link is link in which fluid inside the container and motion is transmitted through the fluid by pressure or compression.
Ex: fluids used in hydrolic press, hydrolic jack, hydrolic crane etc.

• Mechanism:- 
          An assembly of moving parts performing a complete functional motion.
          A mechanism is device designed to transform input forces and movement into desired set of output forces and movement.
          Mechanism generally consist of moving components such as gear and gear trains, belt and chain drives, cam and follower mechanisms, and  linkage as well as friction devices such as breaks and clutches and structure components such as frame and Fasteners, bearings, springs, lubricants and seals, as well as verity of specialised machines such as slings, pins, keys etc.

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