Valve & Valve types


Valves are mechanical devices that regulate the flow of liquids, gases, or slurries in a pipeline. They are used to start, stop, throttle, or regulate the flow of fluid and maintain desired pressure and flow conditions. Valves come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials, and are designed for specific applications based on the temperature, pressure, and corrosiveness of the fluid being handled.

There are several types of valves, including:

Gate valves: These valves open and close by sliding a gate into or out of the flow path. They are used to start or stop the flow of fluid and are typically used in low-pressure applications.

Globe valves: These valves have a globe-shaped body that regulates the flow of fluid by moving a plug into or out of the flow path. They are used for precise flow control and are typically used in high-pressure applications.

Ball valves: These valves have a spherical ball that rotates to control the flow of fluid. They are simple to operate and are commonly used in low- to medium-pressure applications.

Butterfly valves: These valves have a disk-shaped closure that rotates to control the flow of fluid. They are used for on/off control and are commonly used in low-pressure applications.

Diaphragm valves: These valves have a flexible diaphragm that separates the flow path from the actuator, allowing for the control of corrosive or abrasive fluids.

Check valves: These valves allow fluid to flow in only one direction and prevent backflow. They are commonly used in high-pressure applications.

The type of valve chosen will depend on the specific requirements of the application, such as flow rate, pressure, and fluid properties.

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